Our Online Library - Drumming
Many of you know that one thing that is important to me is promoting and encouraging drumming circles and groups that offer a space for people to drum together and journey together, for their own healing or to connect with something sacred. More and more people have a local drumming group that they can attend, but your drum is not just for a once- a-month outing. Your drum is a sacred tool, a friend, to assist you on your ongoing spiritual journey. For those who would like more opportunity to drum, this article is for you.
Your drum is a living being. It will become your teacher, your healer and your friend. As such, you will want to look after it and care for it properly. When it is cared for, your drum will want to sing for a long, long time. Having a hide drum, it is necessary to consider where you store your drum, how you transport it, where you play it, and how you look after it.
The question I get most often from people interested in my Shamanic Drums and my Shamanic Drum Birthing workshops is regarding the hides: Where do the hides come from? Has a deer been killed just for this drum? These are important questions to ask, and it is important to think about your ethical standpoint on this. I would like to share with you my own.
A video by Nicola Smalley giving tips on how to choose a drum