Qi Gong

Here’s your chance to experience the energy, peace and serenity of Qi gong.
Qi gong (Chi Kung) is an easy to learn system of energy enhancing exercises that co-ordinate movement with breathing and inner concentration.
Practiced as a brief five to twenty minute daily routine, this ancient and versatile form of exercise/meditation can reduce stress, increase energy, and promote health, overall well-being... even longevity!
'Qi' or 'Chi' means energy. In Yoga, it is called 'Prana'. 'Gong' or ‘Kung’ means work. Therefore, Qi gong means the exercise of your internal energy.
It is a 5,000-year-old Chinese healthcare modality that has both endured the test of time and is making a tremendous resurgence in the 21st Century. The benefits of qi gong are increasingly recognised for enhancing fitness in mind and body and helping in the cure of degenerative and chronic diseases.
Qi gong is practiced not only for the purpose of maintaining health; it is also closely tied in with martial arts to promote energy, both physical and metaphysical. As a moving meditation, many practice it to ultimately attain inner peace and fulfillment.
£6 Donation
(£8 to attend both Qi Gong and Mantra Chanting).
Qi gong (Chi Kung) is an easy to learn system of energy enhancing exercises that co-ordinate movement with breathing and inner concentration.
Practiced as a brief five to twenty minute daily routine, this ancient and versatile form of exercise/meditation can reduce stress, increase energy, and promote health, overall well-being... even longevity!
'Qi' or 'Chi' means energy. In Yoga, it is called 'Prana'. 'Gong' or ‘Kung’ means work. Therefore, Qi gong means the exercise of your internal energy.
It is a 5,000-year-old Chinese healthcare modality that has both endured the test of time and is making a tremendous resurgence in the 21st Century. The benefits of qi gong are increasingly recognised for enhancing fitness in mind and body and helping in the cure of degenerative and chronic diseases.
Qi gong is practiced not only for the purpose of maintaining health; it is also closely tied in with martial arts to promote energy, both physical and metaphysical. As a moving meditation, many practice it to ultimately attain inner peace and fulfillment.
£6 Donation
(£8 to attend both Qi Gong and Mantra Chanting).